Tim Tebow: The most interesting man in the world

Jonathon Goldsmith plays the most interesting man in the world in a hugely popular TV commercial. He possesses fascinating features that capture the attention of the world. This article is about a man who may not be the most interesting man in the world, but he is certainly one of the most polarizing figures in American culture. Tim Tebow was […]

The 7 best smartphones of 2016

Every day new phones with all new features keep flourishing in the world of smartphones. Big ‘megapixels’, Monster ‘RAM’ and Sexy ‘unibody aluminum’ leave no stone unturned in attracting customers. If you don’t know which phone to buy, then this article will surely solve your dilemma. Here are some of the best mobile phones of this year that celebrate everything […]

All about home improvement

In fact, there is no better feeling than being at home. Here, you can enjoy doing the things you love while being comfortable at your own pace and space. But how can you enjoy maximum comfort in your own home when your home needs fixing and upgrading? DIY OR PROFESSIONAL? If you want to make some improvements to your home, […]

Basic Elements of Technical Writing

Technical writing is a specialized form of writing. Its goal is to help readers use a technology or understand a process, product, or concept. Often these processes, products or concepts are complex, but they need to be expressed in a much simpler and easier to read form. Thus, within the genre of technical writing, you will find: technical reports, installation […]

The best zombie movies of all time

Today’s popular media, including mainstream zombie movies, have led the way in marketing these animated corpses to a broad section of society. However, legends and popular stories during the 19th century have largely inspired modern zombie tales. However, nothing beats the easy access everyone has to the various zombie movies because unlike tales, zombie DVDs are available and within easy […]

A great recovery trick that can also boost immunity

This is a recovery trick I learned from the movie Choke Dee, which is the movie about kickboxing legend Dida Diafat. In the movie, you’ll see the lead actor using a legs-up stance to help with his recovery. This method is something that made me think of inverted yoga asanas, like: Viparita karani or Salamba Sarvangasana. Positions like this can […]

Communication and relationships: 4 reasons why you will break up if you do not communicate

Communication happens all the time, even when you’re not talking. Did you know that only 7% of communication is transmitted through words? What happened to the other 93%? 38% comes from our tonality, the voice, tempo and timbre of our voice and 56% communicates through body language. So even if you’re saying, ‘I didn’t say a word!’ You could have […]

Groups and Individuals

What is the problem with the groups? What are the characteristics of the groups? Entity is how coherent a group appears (Baron, Byrne, & Branscombe, 2005). Groups are characterized by roles, status, norms, and cohesion. Roles can cause people to behave differently than they normally would. For example, a female manager behaves differently, probably in a more masculine way, at […]

5 ways to find apartments for rent

Finding the right apartment or house to rent can be difficult and stressful. You may be competing with many others for a quality unit in a prime location. The secret, say realtors, is to plan ahead. Tenants often wait until the last minute to look for another apartment. However, when tenants are in a hurry, they tend to take apartments […]