Tours Travel

3 principles to improve human relations

Relations between employees, supervisors and co-workers can be improved immediately. By following three simple principles in your dealings with others, you can put more quality into your work life and the lives of your employees.

Three basic principles that can be followed to improve relationships between employees, co-workers and supervisors are: Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and even slower to lose your temper.

quick to hear.

Since we have two ears and one mouth, it has been said that we should listen at least twice as much as we speak. Unfortunately, most of us reverse this and talk more than twice as much as we listen. Listening to another person increases self-esteem because it shows the person that you are truly interested in them. However, listening involves more than just hearing words. If we are going to be good listeners, we need to use three sets of ears to really hear the full message being sent to us. We must listen to the words as they are pronounced, but we must also read (see) the non-verbal or body language. communication, and we must feel the emotion of the other person. So good listening involves ears, eyes, and heart. This is not easy, but with practice we can become “total listeners.” There are two other important rules for good listening: Stop talking Y get rid of distractions. Following these two rules will help us focus our attention on the other person. Many times in a conversation, we are so busy thinking about what we are going to say next that we don’t hear what the other person is saying. As for distractions, it’s not easy to get rid of the phone, interruptions, paperwork, etc., but it’s a “must” for good listening. Remember, too, that listening skills can be learned. We can become good listeners through proper training and practice. If we are truly interested in people, it will be reflected in our listening habits. We need to work on developing our skills and focus more on the other person than on ourselves. The immediate improvement in relationships with employees and co-workers will be apparent.

Slow to speak.

By focusing on total listening, we can use pauses in the conversation to frame our thoughts and plan what to say next. This will improve our communication skills because our words will really address the ideas or points made by others. When we are talking, it is not unusual to say more than we really intended or in some other way create problems for ourselves and other employees or supervisors. But the more we listen and encourage others to speak, the more we will learn and the more opportunities we will have to improve human relationships by building the self-esteem of others.

Slow to lose my temper.

Saying that we should never lose our temper is unrealistic. If we get angry, the important thing is to focus on behaviors, not individuals: focus on “what happened” instead of “who did it!”. This way we can avoid verbally attacking an employee or co-worker and destroying relationships. By focusing on behaviors, we also improve relationships. Keep in mind that we forfeit our right to “tantrums” when we take on managerial roles. While it is not okay for an employee to have a tantrum or outburst, it can be tolerated. However, it cannot be tolerated at managerial levels.

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