Health Fitness

300 exercises for women

Women need strength training to lose fat. That’s amazing. And women can train hard too. That is surprising to a lot of people too. Here are some great weight loss workouts for women.

Now, just because the 300 workout was created for a guy’s movie doesn’t mean we can’t modify a workout originally made to chisel out Greek statue male bodies into a workout that will turn the average girl into a fitness goddess.

The original 300 workout is brutal and there are two ways to tweak it. First, using the same exercises and decreasing the repetitions. And second, maintaining the repetitions but reducing the intensity of the exercises.

Let’s first do option A, doing a workout with almost the same exercises but with fewer repetitions. So this turns into a 125 rep workout. It’s tough, and it’s really only for advanced fitness women. Below is one more exercise for beginners.

a) Pullups: 5 reps (if you can’t do actual pullups, use the assisted pullup machine or even pulldowns)

b) 25 pound deadlift – 30 reps (original workouts used 135 pounds. We will decrease the weight and use the EZ curl bar instead. Alternatively, you can do dumbbell squats with 15 pounds per hand).

c) Push-ups – 20 reps (do a regular and kneeling combination if necessary)

d) 12 inch box jumps – 25 reps

e) Floor cleaners – 20 reps (use the EZ Curl Bar again, or a broomstick)

f) 1 Arm Clean n Press with 10-pound kettlebell – 20 reps total, not per arm

g) Pullups – 5 reps (same as above)

A moderately fit woman might try this 100 rep workout (remember, minimize rest between sets):

5 rows of bodyweight

15 bodyweight squats

5 push-ups

50 jumping jacks

10 mountain climbers

10 lunges

5 rows of bodyweight

Those are some challenging workouts. Work with a trainer to come up with other ideas.

Only do this exercise once as a test. You can try every couple of months or so for comparison, but don’t train like this every day.

And as always, train safe. If you are unsure about the technique, your form, or are not comfortable with the training, skip it!

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