
7 easy ways to help you become mentally stronger

We are not brought into the world physically strong. We were small and fragile, far from strong. But as we grow and our bones solidify, we develop physical strength. The same goes for our mental strength. We are not born with incredibly strong mental health. We improve this by choice, by making it a priority: we make adjustments and personal development to strengthen our mental health.

Powerful people with remarkable mental strength are not happy because they say it, they are happy because they act to make it a reality. If you want to be genuinely happy, make your mental strength a priority. Here are 7 habits that mentally strong people practice.

1. Be optimistic

Optimism is a characteristic that successful people always display. How is that? Because they never gave in to their failures and they always got ahead despite the obstacles. They remain optimistic throughout the ups and downs of their journey. In addition, these successful and mentally strong people have the support of their friends, family and colleagues, a group of positive people. They don’t let pessimism get in the way of reaching their goals. Be the person who looks at a glass half full.

2. Find balance with negative thoughts

Acknowledging negative thoughts is also helpful at times. It allows you to see what could go wrong and how to plan for and deal with it in advance. To be clear, negative thinking is welcome, but being pessimistic is not.

3. Use your mental energy wisely

Distraction is one of the common causes of unproductivity and decreased mental energy. It is always lurking and hidden in various forms, the most common being your smartphone and social media apps that you can access with just a few taps. Admit it, there are times when you just pause your work only to find yourself scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook feed.

Mentally strong people use their time wisely and their energy carefully. They are focused on achieving their daily (and ultimate) goals. They are also conscious of their time, so they dedicate themselves to the things that matter.

4. Practice gratitude

If you’re not satisfied with what you have now and are always looking for more, that attitude can have a negative effect on your mental well-being.

Those people who are mentally healthy recognize what they have and express gratitude for it, whether big or small. They take pride in what they have and accomplish, and are grateful for all that they have been blessed with.

5. One step at a time

Difficult times can be overwhelming. It also challenges your mental strength. When you are faced with certain challenges, no matter how big or small, it is important to stay calm and take them one step at a time.

Let’s say the challenge is to lose weight. First, the challenge is ambiguous. Set a concrete goal. For example, lose 10 pounds in a month. Break it down into smaller, achievable goals (ie lose 3 pounds in a week) that, combined, will lead you to your ultimate goal. This method will make the challenge easier and more achievable.

6. Be responsible and accept what you can’t control

You may be successful in certain projects, but when the tables are turned and you are faced with problems over which you have no control, take responsibility for any mistakes and blunders. This is how life is supposed to be: you can’t control everything and you have to accept it. What you should do is turn that experience to your advantage. Learn from it.

7. Get closer to others

Mentally strong people do not achieve that healthy state on their own. They seek help and consultation from family, friends, mentors, and colleagues. Ask for expert help if necessary.

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