
Are wedding websites worth it?

Personal wedding websites have become a staple of today’s wedding planning, offering brides and grooms a way to share and manage wedding day communications online.

A wedding website allows you to post details, provide narration about the bride and groom, link to records, list travel information, provide directions, upload photos, and more.

There are three types of wedding websites and pros and cons for each. They include static web pages, templates and custom sites made by themselves.

static web pages
Large wedding resource companies like The Knot ( often offer static web pages as an additional tool for wedding planning. The best part is that you can list your wedding information on a static page that is divided by section headers for free.

Proceed with caution with these types of sites. They may be filled with ads and do not allow for a customized look that matches your personality. They also do not offer personalized website addresses (i.e., []) that can be printed on invitations and save-the-date cards.

Wedding website templates are offered by companies like WedStudio ( that are strictly dedicated to selling wedding website services. With these sites, you can choose your own unique website address and customize the site with a wide variety of design and color options.

Using the tools available, you can create your site in minutes, make changes at any time, and publish your site immediately. You can even accept RSVPs online, which can save hundreds of dollars on printing and postage.

Template wedding website costs range from $40 to $200 for a 6, 9, 12, or 18-month subscription.

Self-made custom sites
The great part about a completely custom website is that you get exactly what you want, but it can cost a lot of money. If you hire a business or individual to build your site, costs range from $1,000 to $5,000. On the other hand, if you have a tech-savvy friend who can whip something up for you, it’s a great option.

They’re worth it?

Ask yourself these questions:

• Am I willing to spend money on a wedding website?

• How important is it that the site reflects our personality and theme?

• Do I want my own unique website address?

• Do I have out of town guests that I need to communicate with and provide information to?

• Do I want access to tools that could help save time, hassle and money?

It is up to the couple to determine what type of site is right for their needs and budget.

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