Put variety in your second grade lesson plan

Lesson plans always take a lot of time and dedication to put together. Each teacher has their own method for creating the perfect second grade lesson plan. One thing that every teacher has in common is the variety that must be included in the plan. Children get bored when the same methods are used over and over again, especially young […]

First steps with your new guitar

You’ve just come home from the store after doing your research, or you’re the proud recipient of a treasured gift. You unpack your new guitar with fierce anticipation. Light shines on the highly polished surface. Your new amp and new cables are ready to go. There they sit. Now what? First, here’s what NOT to do: Worry… Panic… Feel overwhelmed. […]

parenting skills today

There are currently no courses that teach parenting skills. Being a parent requires a great deal of skill. No parent is gifted with all of the parenting skills all of the time. Instead, parenting skills are learned over time. Depending on your child’s behavior and age, there will be times when some skills apply easily. There are certain parenting skills […]

5 ways to use honey in your diet

Honey is an extremely versatile food, known worldwide for its numerous health benefits; This rich, golden liquid is so versatile that its use extends beyond dietary purposes! From spreads and skin potions to disease remedies and beauty applications, the benefits of honey seem limitless. Honey has hygroscopic, antibacterial, antioxidant and nutritional properties that make it an energetic food for the […]

How to sell rock songs

If you’ve written a rock song and want to make an income from it, here’s how to sell your rock song! Multiple ways to win Turn on the radio, walk through a department store, watch TV. Income generating rock songs are seemingly everywhere! Some of those sources of income for your song include: Direct downloads from your own website Downloads […]

Organize a chore list for your children

Task chart systems can be quite easy. In this article, I’ll give you some pointers on effective chore charts to use to teach kids important adult life skills and build self-confidence. My children have been doing homework since they were little. At that time they worked together with mom folding clothes and picking up. Then we move on to new […]

Clever Scissor Tips – Part 2

After reading “Smart Tips for Using Scissors Part 1,” you should have a better understanding of why you should teach your kids to use scissors. Here are some smart tips on how you can help them learn this skill. This is the developmental sequence of when children should be cutting: • 2 years: cut the ends of a piece of […]