Get to know the list of the 50 states: top methods

Knowing the 50 US states is a challenge that most American children have to face. It’s a daunting but rewarding task, so the obvious thing to do is to find an easy way. There are many resources available: Rote learning of states Word association techniques for states Mnemonic states Census Bureau Region Fragmentation States song lyrics Status Videos Poems in […]

Vegetable juice recipes for weight loss

There are endless different diets and weight loss methods that we can choose from these days. Some have been shown to work and others not. Some are natural, while others are very synthetic and should be avoided. One or the other of them may work better for us than others. However, low calorie or other restrictive diets can leave us […]

Benefits and Limitations of Self Hypnosis

There’s been a lot of talk lately about self-hypnosis. Before we get into what it can and cannot do for us, let’s talk about what self-hypnosis is. If you’ve ever been to a hypnotherapist, they may have told you that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This is essentially true. What this means is that no one can make you enter hypnosis […]

Potty Training Techniques for Energetic Toddlers

Every parent I know is looking forward to the day when their child will no longer “make” sticky, sticky diapers. Most children will be ready to wear the oversized pants between 18 and 24 months. Of course, the process is not without its difficulties. Find out the best way to potty train your child, as easily as possible. Is your […]

Tips, strategies, and educational resources for parents during social distancing

Approximately 56.6 million students attended elementary and high school in the United States in 2019. With the current global COVID-19 pandemic, school districts across the country made the difficult decision to close schools and move on to classes. online due to public health and safety concerns. Parents and caregivers have been tasked with taking a more active role in facilitating […]