Top 5 Swaddling Mistakes You Want To Avoid

The use of diapers has been shown to be beneficial not only for newborn babies, but also for parents. This practice makes babies calm and behave, requiring less attention; therefore, parents or babysitters are not scared or stressed. It makes the whole rearing process easier, especially for beginners. Are you a new mom eager to swaddle your child but need […]

How to Make People Laugh with Free April Fool Ecards

April Fools Day is one of the days of the year dedicated to fun and pleasure. It is part of the traditions and is celebrated annually in some countries. In the western world, someone is misled like what the name “April Fools” implies. They tend to make jokes; making others believe in something that does not actually occur, putting the […]

Planning and time management tips

“I must rule the clock, not be governed by it.” ~ Golda Meir “Time is something that can never be recovered. One can lose and get friends back. One can lose and get money back. Opportunity, once rejected, can reappear. But hours lost in inactivity can never be recovered. to be used for profit “~ Winston Churchill We all have […]

Your guide to seasonal spring beers

A SPRING MENTALITY Spring is the beginning of life after a long period of cold and hibernation. The first moment your senses revel in the fresh scents of the spring air, you are startled. It is an intense experience for me every year. Spring is a time of excitement, of paroxysm, and I think spring beers reflect that enthusiasm … […]

7 secrets of the millionaire mindset

Ask anyone, “do you want more money?” and the answer is usually “yes!” More money can mean many things: freedom, fun, adventure, escaping the bills, no more worries, a new BMW. Whatever we want, money is usually the means to get it. Why don’t we have everything we want? We are definitely smart enough; After all, we have sent a […]

Organizing homework for students (and their parents)

I spend a lot of time in my seminars and workshops, on the phone and by email, discussing the topic of homework organization. In fact, I spend a lot of time listening to parents complain that their children’s disorganization of homework is driving everyone crazy. Many students have such a hard time getting it right that when they finally sit […]

The ethics of birthday party invitations

One might think that there is nothing more innocent and free-spirited than the act of extending invitations to a birthday party. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because inside planning children’s birthday parties and offering invitations there is a minefield riddled with ethical hurdles and booby traps. Here are three tips to help you maneuver the maze. Pointer # […]

Innovations, Entrepreneurship and Profits: How They Link Together

What is entrepreneurship? When we think of entrepreneurship, what immediately comes to mind are entrepreneurs and small businesses or businesses. In reality, the definition of entrepreneurship varies depending on the perspective used. It can be a field in business or it can be an activity in which people participate. Describing the processes involved in it defines what entrepreneurship is. Understanding […]

Disney’s Hidden Secrets

If you are planning a trip to Disney World or Disneyland or have planned one, you are probably looking for some valuable tips to help you save time and money. You’re looking for some good hidden Disney secrets. Tips and tricks from the experts are proven to save families thousands of dollars. These are some of the great hidden secrets […]