Shopping Product Reviews

Farming crabs in Westfall in World of Warcraft

Not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes they are crabs

It is hard to believe that this place produces gold. I read about a place on the Westfall Northwest shoreline of the Jangolode Mine (pictured above) that has crabs that reappear almost instantly after dying. These crabs are only level 14, so any high-level player in the area is fully capable of causing mass crab genocide.

My first thoughts were “who cares if you can kill a million of these things in an hour, if they don’t drop anything useful then it doesn’t make sense.” Fortunately, to my surprise, I put my 30 minute cultivation in the AH that had sold in 48 hours at decent prices. The only reason I can think of these things sold so well is that there are a lot of people who are currently leveling the kitchen or lower level hunters who don’t want to try and get their own food.

The main thing that falls out is the ingredients from 3 recipes, as well as the occasional shiny little pearl from the clams. The crabs drop some green coins and gears, but they are such small amounts that it was not worth counting (I reckon I made 1-2g from all of this). However, there is the option of bringing a disenchantment next time to try and do something useful with these drops.

There is also a rare spawning elite named Brack that passes him by and is worth killing if you see him.

Item Quantity Price / Item Total

Caterpillar meat 130 31 4030

Crawler Claw 128 22 2816

Clam meat 151 32 4832

Tiger Eye 1,100 100

Small bright pearl 7388 2716

Total AH = 14494

Grand total = 290G / hr

The above data was 30 minutes of culture. Mobs are not close enough to AOE for me effectively, so instead I stood in the middle of the site and as a hunter I kept shooting anyone who got close. The bodies don’t disappear unless they’ve been left unlocked for about 5 minutes, so I was able to shoot about 50 before looting them all at once to save time. As you can see on my server, this point results in a good 290g / hr, which is not bad for killing 14 levels by the sea.

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