
Get dog food that your dog will eat and is healthy for him!

My boyfriend and I recently adopted the most endearing Boston Terrier. We call it Guinness because of the light brindle color of its coat and because we think that as a miniature dog that looks so tough, it should have a unique name (we like beer too!). From the moment we brought him home, we thought of him as our own son, hugged him in his sleep, watched him eat because he was so adorable and loved when he was finally old enough to romp and play with us. It has really made us feel like a little family.

We love him very much and we always want to choose the best for him, so you can imagine the research we did to find him the perfect food. You wouldn’t believe the things we found! Did you know that the “preservatives” they list are actually ethoxyquin (an insecticide that has been linked to liver cancer) and BHA and BHT, chemicals that are also suspected of causing cancer? Actually, in December 1995, the British Journal of Small Animal Practice published an article that claimed that processed pet foods:

– targets the immune system
– can cause liver, kidney, heart and other diseases
– in general they are just horrible for your pet

As we searched, there were also websites that featured images of food that had bones sticking out of the kibble and rubber gloves found in soft food cans. We learned that it’s actually not that rare to find things like chicken heads, dead animals on the road, spoiled or moldy grain, cancerous material cut from slaughterhouse animals, tissue high in hormones or pesticide residues, and even packaging of Shredded styrofoam, metal ID tags, and shredded flea collars. It really horrified me and made us worry that I wouldn’t find a dog food I trusted. I figured he would have to cook all his meals from scratch and the cost of all that raw food for a growing dog is not something he can handle.

Thankfully, even though I stumbled upon Flint River Ranch dog food, it was a godsend! In fact, they advertise that there are no cheap proteins or by-products, dangerous chemical preservatives, useless artificial colors, ethoxyquin, BHA or BHT, and no artificial flavoring to mask a pitiful formula. Only 100% natural ingredients 100% nutritionally dense 100% nutritionally balanced 100% naturally preserved 100% Guaranteed 100% US owned and operated product. More Guinness loves the taste! Flint River Ranch Dog Food also makes all kinds of different treats, from dried beef liver treats and lamb and millet wafer treats to cranberry apple squash masters and ready-to-bake cookie dough.

I’m so happy I found Flint River Ranch dog food so I don’t have to worry about what I’m doing to my pup every time I feed him.

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