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Health and Fitness – Exercise for Busy Women

Yesterday, my 12-year-old American niece posted the following comment on my Facebook wall: “Aunt Janice! I tried vegemite today! It’s so gross I almost gag!”


I replied that I could have saved him the trouble since I knew that would happen. Well, after all, I am American, and as most Australians know, Americans hate vegemite. So even though I live in Australia, I don’t eat it. I stick with the butter.

Makes sense, right? I don’t like a particular food, but I need and like to eat, so I choose something else.
I can also apply this “I don’t like/choose something else” philosophy to exercise. I hate swimming. So, I run instead. This works for me. I need to exercise to stay healthy. And I like to run because it gives me energy and takes the stress and cobwebs out of my head.

But sometimes this sensible philosophy flies out the window and I end up doing exercises that I hate. Usually it’s because a tricked-out part of my brain thinks if I do this or that I’ll look like Jennifer Aniston.

Has this happened to you? You start an exercise program because you want to have energy and feel healthier. But instead of choosing exercises that motivate you, you find yourself thinking all the time how much you hate it (for example, my butt hurts just from contemplating doing a spin class).

As busy moms, we have a lot on our plates, and it’s easy to come up with excuses both real and imagined as to why we can’t meet our exercise commitments. So why add “because I hate him” to the list of excuses?

Instead, may I suggest that you clarify a few points. First of all, do you really plan to look like Jennifer Aniston? If so, then go ahead. But if not, what is the purpose of it? Once you’re clear on what that is, set an exercise goal that reflects that.

Second, ask yourself what type of exercise appeals to you. Do you like to exercise indoors or outdoors? In the water or on dry land? Alone, in a class or as part of a team? With a friend or alone?

Finally, in the words of my yoga teacher “honor where your body is. Not where you think it should be.” Some days, even though I like to run, I can’t think of anything less attractive… except maybe vegemite. So on those days I try to follow her advice by doing something else, like walking. Or maybe even give myself permission to do nothing without feeling guilty about it. I’m still working on it, but I’m getting better!

While you ponder this, it’s time for me to make my children’s lunch. You guessed it… vegemite sandwiches.

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