Lifestyle Fashion

How to cut your cat’s nails without losing the fur in the process

Cat lovers are known to pamper their pets and you are probably no different. Your kitty has all the latest toys and amenities, like a self-cleaning litter box, treat dispenser, cat grass, every cat toy known to the pet store owner, and an assortment of scratching posts, but kitty prefers to use the couch.

Nothing he did to try to determine if she scratched it worked and he’s on the brink of his mind. You’ve tried all the sprays and even the double sided tape that’s supposed to scare her because of the stickiness of it, but all she does is walk around for a bit and continue to sharpen her claws in a different spot. Then, what are you going to do? Does the idea of ​​clipping your cat’s claws scare you? Let me show you how to make it easier.

First of all, don’t try to rush the process of clipping your cat’s nails, all you’ll get is one angry cat and a lot of biting and scratching! Take time to let him get used to having his claws rubbed and touched. You need to do this frequently and not just because you want to clip her nails, otherwise the cat will associate contact with nail clipping and you don’t want that. Do some research on the technique so that you are comfortable with it. You probably know that there is a blood vessel that runs in the claws that not only hurts if cut, but also bleeds a lot. A wound in that area is also very susceptible to infection due to digging into the bacteria-filled litter box.

Before you start making the trim, make sure you have all the things you think you’ll need. Of course, the most important part of your tool kit will be the scissors. You need a good quality pair that are just for the cat. Get a pair of guillotine-style surgical steel shears from a specialty pet store, and try to get ones that have an extra blade. Practice with them a bit before the live event so you feel comfortable using them.

Next, you need a large towel to wrap around your cat in case he doesn’t relax and calm down. This way, you can keep it wrapped and work on one leg at a time. You may need to enlist a friend or roommate to help you out if you have a particularly unruly kitty. Finally, you want to make sure you have a good light source so you can see the blood vessel in the nail and avoid cutting it. It is better to leave them a little long than to cut them straight.

I don’t guarantee that by following my advice you will be successful in clipping your cat’s claws, if you have one of those arrogant kitties that have a mind of their own it may take several tries over a period of days to clip them all. Just remember, there’s no law that says you have to do them all at once, if you do one, it’s a step in the right direction. If you keep trying to clip the claws and your cat is freaking out, he’ll run away from you the next time he sees you with the clippers.

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