Is Jaw Botox FDA-Approved For Cosmetic Use?

Jaw Botox FDA-Approved For Cosmetic Use

Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved masseter Botox for cosmetic use in 2002, this injectable has become a widely-practiced, noninvasive treatment option for various conditions. A neuromodulator, botulinum toxin (the active ingredient in the popular injection) essentially freezes targeted muscles and makes them less likely to contract, thereby reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and overuse marks. Masseter Botox is also an effective and safe treatment for jaw clenching and grinding, better known as bruxism.

People who suffer from bruxism are constantly clenching and grinding their teeth, which can result in serious damage to the mouth, including cracked or broken teeth, and severe tooth pain. Often, the jaw muscles are so tight from the chronic clenching and grinding that people experience headaches. Using masseter Botox, which focuses on the jaw muscle that controls chewing, can help to relieve these symptoms and improve quality of life.

Aside from treating the aforementioned bruxism-related symptoms, Jaw Botox can also be used to slim and contour the jawline for a more feminine facial appearance. During the injection procedure, your doctor will insert four small syringes of botulinum toxin into the masseter muscle. This muscle runs along the side of the lower jaw and is responsible for chewing and raising the jaw bone. When injected, the masseter muscle will be temporarily frozen from contractions and can no longer clench or grind the teeth.

Is Jaw Botox FDA-Approved For Cosmetic Use?

The masseter Botox will then have time to relax, and the jaw muscles will gradually shrink and retrain, resulting in reduced tension and a more slimmer jawline. Depending on the amount of jaw clenching and grinding, it may take between seven to ten days for you to see a reduction in the hypertrophy of the masseter muscle.

Injections of masseter Botox are typically performed in the comfort of your doctor’s office with a topical numbing agent. The procedure takes between five and 10 minutes to complete, and patients usually feel minimal discomfort. The concept of Jaw Botox originated from its traditional use in treating medical conditions such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and bruxism, which involve excessive teeth grinding and jaw clenching. As physicians administered Botox to alleviate muscle tension and discomfort in these patients, they observed an unintended yet remarkable cosmetic effect: a reduction in the size and prominence of the masseter muscles, responsible for chewing and clenching the jaw.

During the treatment, you’ll lay on your back with your head tilted slightly forward. Your doctor will place the four injections into your masseter muscle, which will then begin to relax and retrain itself. The results of a masseter Botox treatment can last up to three months, and it can be repeated regularly for continued bruxism symptom relief and a more sculpted jawline. When administered by a skilled, experienced doctor, masseter Botox is extremely safe and can be used to achieve beautiful aesthetic outcomes with no risk of adverse side effects. To learn more about how this treatment can benefit you, contact us to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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