Shopping Product Reviews

Kava Kava for sexual love and health

Kava kava She is an erotic friend of mine. Which may come as a surprise to those who think of this South Sea root as a sedative sleep inducer. And that can discourage those who think about Piper methysticum as a standardized extract or capsule or pill capable of causing liver failure.

Regarding the latter, my reading and my own experiences led me to believe that my liver is quite safe if I restrict my kava kava consumption to water-based preparations. And again from my own experience, infusions of the fresh or dried root fermented in water also have a much stronger effect than capsules, pills or extracts. I let my kava kava brew sit for 1 to 10 days before using it. It seems to get stronger the longer you sit.

As for the first, I found kava kava ready to fall asleep, that’s right, if you wanted to. I also found a cup or two of the infusion ready to help me through a day of work or a night of play (in bed). As always, the setting (what you think is going to happen, or what you propose to happen) and the setting (where you are physically and emotionally) have a lot to do with the effect you experience. Enjoy!


Pussy pesto
Mix in fresh catnip, olive oil for topping, lots of garlic, and a little sea salt.

Angel Hair Pasta
Whole wheat tastes better and builds sexual appetite with B vitamins.

Gar-Lick Bread
Whole wheat sourdough, drizzled with olive oil, topped with minced garlic and baked at 350 until hot and crisp – 6-5 minutes. At least two pieces per person.

Sweet Potatties
Rub one large sweet potato per person with olive oil, bake, covered, for an hour at 350 (it’s fine to put gar-lick bread to bake last).

Wickedly wild salad greens
Chickweed, mustard garlic, lamb’s quarter, sheep’s sorrel, wild mints of all kinds, wild wick, dandelion leaves, plantain leaves, violet leaves.

flowers: lady’s rocket, roses, nasturtiums, pansies, day lilies, tulips, lilacs, lavender flowers, chives flowers.

Extra virgin olive oil, tamari and lavender vinegar dress the wild salad.


  • At least 24 hours before your feast of love, prepare your infusion, using a half to one ounce of dried kava kava root per person.
  • Pour two cups of boiling water per person over the cut root in a glass jar (use a quart jar for two people) or an enameled skillet (if you expect a crowd).
  • Let stand, covered, away from heat, until ready to drink.
  • Serve hot or cold, with honey and milk, a little cinnamon or nutmeg if you like.

Innuendo: When your nose starts to tingle, drink another half glass of kava kava, no more. Then focus on love.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, or symptom. Personal instructions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare professional with a formula specific to you. All material on this website / email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a trusted doctor if you need medical attention. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

Susun grass
P.O. Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

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