Health Fitness

Knowing about strabismus and strabismus correction surgery

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln had one squinty eye? His left eye used to point up. For years and years, people with squinty eyes have faced vision-related problems and public embarrassment. It is a myth that strabismus cannot be corrected. In fact, the eyes can be straightened at any time or age. You might be thinking that it is by birth, hereditary or accidental. Strabismus occurs due to refractive error, nerve palsy, childhood illness, or incorrect muscle balance (which controls eye movement).

Before proceeding with strabismus surgery, let’s understand how this problem affects your vision. If you’ve noticed, people who have squints tend to look in different directions. Unfortunately, squint is not just limited to wrong directions, it can cause double vision and lazy eye (amblyopia) among younger children (poor vision and squint). In addition, strabismus can also cause people to develop an abnormal head position.

How to evaluate strabismus?

Strabismus can be evaluated using different types of orthoptic tests. These tests help you define the type of strabismus and check how the child or adult is able to see. In addition, there are tests for binocular vision that help evaluate strabismus. In addition, a fundus examination is performed as a fixation pattern.

In general, in the squint eye, vision tends to deteriorate over time. This occurs because the brain rejects the weaker message that has been sent from the affected eye. The lazy eye problem can be treated up to 6 or 7 years. But it is important that such problems are dealt with as soon as possible.

Strabismus surgery is carried out on the extraocular muscles to correct strabismus, the misalignment of the eye. Strabismus correction surgery or strabismus surgery is a highly practiced activity. This involves moving or tensing one or more eye muscles that are responsible for the change in eye position.

The muscles are attached near the front of the eye (below the conjunctiva). Keep in mind that the eye is never removed from the socket during surgery. Appropriate sutures are made to hold the eye muscles in the new positions.

The recovery period after surgery

It usually takes a few weeks to make a full recovery with corrective squint surgery. During the healing period, one may feel itchy or painful for a temporary period and there may also be double vision for a shorter period.

There are several providers of eye care services in the country, but one leading organization you can turn to is Center for Sight. Based in the capital, CFS has managed to treat strabismus surgery with the utmost precision and care.

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