
Pacific Tycoon Container Negligence and What You Need to Know About It

If you’ve heard of container investing, you’ve definitely heard of the Pacific Tycoon scam. Due to the many scams out there, Pacific Tycoon is just another container scam that you need to be careful about. Do not invest in any type of container before doing a thorough research on it.

The process is a fairly streamlined affair. Buy containers from underdeveloped countries for a lower price. Then he hires a company like Pacific Tycoon to lease his containers to his clients. After an interval of 9-10 months, the containers arrive in China and are then sold at a profit. The company charges a small commission and you receive the rest.

When you open the website associated with the company, as in this case it would be Pacific Tycoon, you will be greeted with a really aesthetically pleasing website that can easily fool you into being original. The catchy ad followed by the insane return promises can be quite misleading in real life. Keep in mind that they promise a fixed return of 12% on the amount invested per year, where in some cases it could reach 24.13% as it happened last year, according to them.

They say that all the containers the company buys are fully traceable and everyone is going to have full legal rights regarding the containers they are going to buy. Most of them are independent trackers in various countries that act as recipients of the container owners and the money is actually transferred to the scammer’s account in those particular countries. Most of the accounts belong to underdeveloped countries that would not have any association with the company.

These companies invest in a lot of public relations activities where they pay different blog owners to write fake reviews about them as to how good they are and how Pacific Tycoon helped them get the best buys and other invented stuff. They often post fake reviews on forums about their business to gain the trust of their customers. However, further investigation will reveal how the company has scammed thousands of people and how many people have lost all their life savings.

Therefore, as a precautionary measure, it is often said that if you want to invest in containers and other things, it is recommended that you do a thorough research on all of those things before deciding to invest in containers. In simple words, stay away from container investments as much as you can.

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