Arts Entertainments

Discovering the basics of wrestling

Wrestling is definitely one of America’s most beloved sports. There are actually different types of wrestling: amateur, judo, jiu-jitsu, submission wrestling, sambo, and old-school pro wrestling. Nowadays, newbies to wrestling or boots, as they are called, are apparently more interested in learning what fantasy has rather than learning the basics of wrestling. Like everything, it is important that one learn the fundamentals of this sport, so that he can build his wrestling base.

Actually, a newbie to wrestling should start with the 5 basis points of submission fighting. These positions include the following:

  1. Head and arm
  2. Side control
  3. Mount
  4. North and south
  5. guard

In fact, one can learn various escape and submission techniques through these five different positions. Many fighters play the guard game, but there are some fighters like Mike the Machine who often aim for escape and submission. In an MMA fight, he prefers the dirt route and hitting the opponent. Normally, if your opponent is on guard, he will attack with submissions. This technique is actually taken away from coach Tim Gillette’s PCS-5 style. PCS stands for Position, Control and Submission.

Too many boots are trying to learn as many types of grips as they can instead of learning the basics of wrestling and perfecting them. In truth, perfecting the 5 holds mentioned above will go a long way in any fight. These are easy to do and perfecting them will help you develop your craft more efficiently.

If you are interested in wrestling, it is important that you first learn the positions before learning the submissions. Ironically, many people believe they are fighters, but many of them do not know the basic prey. When they get on the mat, they end up flailing and losing. Watching wrestlers on television is not the same as learning to fight. Wrestling can be compared to a game of cat and mouse. Fighters must learn to position themselves correctly before they can make a big submission move.

To be a great fighter, one has to possess all the skills of a good fighter: posture, footwork, penetrating step, lifting, and lower back flexibility. One has to hone and improve these skills first and learning positions and positions would be incredibly easy. Too many times, rookies make the mistake of trying or hitting a double or a single. They bend at the waist without even changing levels. They don’t even employ penetrating steps or any type of footwork that can help them lift their opponent. They have no setup and are careless in their strategies, often fully revealing their intention to their opponent.

Basically, if you want to be successful in wrestling, it is important that you learn the basics of wrestling before trying to learn complicated steps and grabs.

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