Legal Law

Showing appreciation to Workplace Un-Sung Heroes

Millions of anonymous heroes are born every minute! They are everywhere: on street corners, in our homes, offices and communities, wherever there are people in need of rescue. These special people, whose positive actions and initiatives are taken for the benefit of others, are not famous or in the news for what they are doing; but their efforts affect, enrich and touch countless lives.

Every business has these anonymous heroes. They are the receptionists, secretaries, and administrative professionals we rely on every day to keep the wheels of corporate America rolling.

The role of the office professional has changed significantly as the reliance on technology and office automation has increased. Downsizing or organizational restructuring has led secretaries and administrative assistants to take on a broader range of new responsibilities that were once the province of management and senior professional staff.

How to identify the unsung heroes in your office

anonymous heroes They’re easy to recognize, but in case you can’t find them in your office, here’s a simple way to help you identify your contributions.

  1. He frequently turns to them for the coordination of administrative and office support activities.
  2. They are traveling libraries of information you need to serve your customers.
  3. He often relies on them for training and orientation of new staff members.
  4. I would be lost without his expertise in researching the Internet and operating and troubleshooting new office technologies.
  5. When they’re away, the office just doesn’t seem to run smoothly and efficiently.
  6. You have no idea how to make your own travel arrangements; they do it with skill and ease.
  7. They are roving desktop editors and proposal and presentation writers.
  8. They have taught you many important things, apart from how to be self-sufficient and get your own coffee or tea.
  9. They are excellent team players who understand the value of being flexible and working with others to share their experience.
  10. Let’s face it, without their help you wouldn’t be able to do your own job efficiently and resourcefully.

If you were able to detect at least one of these behaviors, you could glimpse a real life. unsung hero. His job, if he chooses to accept it, is to show appreciation for all your efforts and hard work.

Every April, we celebrate National Week of Administrative Professionalswhich was originally created in 1952 as National Week of Professional Secretaries emphasize the importance of secretarial work and encourage more women to become secretaries. Included in this week-long celebration is National Secretary’s Day–A special holiday to honor, recognize and express appreciation for secretaries across America. Over the years, as men became secretaries, the role changed significantly to an administrative support role. As a result, the name changed to Administrative Professional Day.

It is customary to give a politically correct gift (cards, gift certificates, flowers, etc.) or take the administrative professional out to lunch. However, don’t wait until the next vacation to recognize the many contributions your anonymous heroes do.

In the future, develop a habit of positive recognition and commit to finding at least one thing each week that you can do to thank your administrative professional.

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