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The Natural Pain Remedy That Is (Almost) Too Effective

You can solve the pain in a completely natural and drug-free way. No surgery, no drugs, and no gimmicks.

Yes, it is effective. Even with chronic pain. And with severe pain, as with work.

It is a technique used throughout the world and over time. That’s because it works. In fact, it works too well.

I’m serious. Unless you’re on a medic mission, I’d think twice about using it. Doctors use pain to help diagnose conditions. Getting rid of him could lead them astray from finding the answer.

And something like a headache can come from back strain, dehydration, lack of sleep, or too much screen time. Erasing the signal without addressing the cause is not doing you a favor.

So resort to self-hypnosis only when it’s safe to resolve your pain.

Because what is pain, really?

Some people see it as the body’s response to damage. Your tissues register something wrong, your nerves generate a signal, and your brain receives it.

Now, there is truth in that. No one would deny it.

But that’s not what pain is.

If that were all, it wouldn’t explain why it sometimes persists despite medication. After all, drugs interfere with the signal… but they don’t always reduce the sensation.

There are also those who have an injury, fully recover from it, and then still experience discomfort.

You can also resist pain when you have a reason to. People have jumped through fire or taken bullets and not even realized it until they are safe again.

Pain is a signal from the body. It’s also your mind’s way of getting your attention.

If your foot is injured, then your mind wants you not to walk on it. This is important information and has to get your attention in some way.

Too many people make the mistake of ignoring these feelings. If your mind wants you to notice something but you ignore it, it will scream louder. And louder. And it will keep going until you hear the message.

If you ignore the feeling, it builds up.

If you get angry or frustrated with the feeling, it builds up.

But if you pay attention to it and listen benignly to what your body is saying, then it decreases.

Maybe you can do something different, like favor one side or spend time resting.

On the other hand, maybe you can’t.

Either way, the message is important. So listen without judging.

Of course, it is easy to say that. When you live with feelings like this, it’s hard to see it in a neutral or positive way.

That’s where self-hypnosis helps. In a trance, you can let go of your interpretations of the experience and really hear the message. Many people find that through the calm of the trance state, the feeling begins to fall apart on its own.

You could be one of these lucky people. Or it may take time for you to really get the message. Either way, regular hypnotic experiences will ease your sensations sooner or later.

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