What are the primary benefits of obtaining a Golden Visa in Dubai?

benefits of obtaining a Golden Visa in Dubai

The UAE Golden Visa is a unique immigration option for individuals who wish to invest in the country, establish a business and enjoy its many perks. Aside from giving you and your family the opportunity to live, work, and study in Dubai, the UAE Golden Visa also enables you to travel freely throughout the region. The UAE’s renowned business environment and world-class infrastructure, including state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and modern transportation network, make it an ideal place to set up your company or continue with your career in a safe and secure environment.

The primary benefits of a Dubai Golden Visa include the freedom to invest in the country’s real estate market, tax advantages, and access to high-quality education and health care services. Unlike traditional residency visas, the Golden Visa does not require you to have an Emirati sponsor or employer. This gives you the flexibility to choose your own path in a vibrant and competitive environment.

Those who are interested in investing in the UAE can choose from different categories under the Golden Visa. For example, investors can obtain a long-term residence permit by depositing an amount of at least two million UAE dirhams (approximately $545,000) into an investment fund or purchasing off-plan real estate in the country.

What are the primary benefits of obtaining a Golden Visa in Dubai?

Another category under the Golden Visa is reserved for outstanding students who have graduated from top universities in the UAE or other countries with a GPA of over 3.8. Students who qualify for this visa will be able to sponsor their parents and siblings and can stay in the UAE for 10 years.

Additionally, those who have an exceptional level of talent in various fields can also benefit from the Golden Visa. Specialized talents in science, technology, and engineering can be granted a 10-year residency permit by submitting a letter from the Emirates Scientists Council or winning a Mohammed Bin Rashid medal for scientific excellence. Creative individuals in culture and art can get the same permit by proving their regional or international reputation and awards.

Moreover, the UAE’s favourable tax environment also makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and talent. The country offers no personal income taxes and capital gains taxes, which can significantly lower your overall tax burden and boost your savings. In addition, UAE Golden Visa holders are allowed to bring domestic helpers and family members into the country. They can also extend their residence visas in the UAE for up to six months if they need to complete the process of acquiring a permanent residency.

La Vida’s specialized team is here to support you through the entire visa process, from applying for the visa to finding your dream home in Dubai. We have a network of partners that we work with to help ensure that your application is successful. Contact us today to learn more about how a Dubai Golden Visa can open doors for you in the UAE.

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