Lifestyle Fashion

Facts About Yeast Infection And Antibiotics

Yeast infections and antibiotics are very common today, particularly in women. You can get Candida Albicans after antibiotic treatment for certain conditions such as rashes, toothaches, acne, psoriasis, or arthritis. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to avoid them.

Antibiotics are well known for saving our lives. However, they do have side effects, and candidiasis on the skin, genitals, or throat are some of them. If you have a yeast infection for the first time due to antibiotics, you should not worry too much as it is very easy to treat. However, if you continue to have recurrent yeast infection after a course of antibiotics, treatment is more complex as your immune system is compromised.

The problem with antibiotic treatments is that they weaken your immune system and are prone to infections, particularly yeast infections. The main sensations are itching, burning, and a white discharge like cottage cheese. In chronic yeast infection you may feel depressed, have panic attacks, memory loss, thrush, itchy rashes, acne, and intestinal problems.

Candidiasis and antibiotics do not affect only women. Male yeast infection is also caused by antibiotics, not just sexual intercourse. Children and babies can experience candida symptoms after antibiotic treatment.

Advice to eat plenty of yogurt during antibiotic treatment may help some to prevent Candida Albicans. This is possible because the lactobacillus present in yogurt can restore balance in the intestines and keep the good bacteria thriving.

For a chronic yeast infection, you may want a homeopathic yeast infection cure that will help you kill the ba bacteria in your body. The most common holistic cures are acidophilus and pao d’arco. Tea tree oil can also help you, as it is a very powerful antifungal.

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