Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that will determine your acceptance into […]

Is the balance sheet more important than the income statement?

Before answering this question, I’ll walk you through common perceptions of the income statement vs. the balance sheet, as well as recent developments in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The income statement provides a summary of the income and expenses of an organization during a particular period. Historically, this was the first report the financial statement user looked at (if […]

Popular Delta 8 Indica Side Effects

Delta 8 Indica Side Effects The Delta 8 Indicator is one of the newest diet pills to hit the market. It comes in a variety of different strains and is made from a number of herbs that work together to provide a potent formula. Many of these herbs act as natural appetite suppressants. However, before you begin taking this supplement […]

Dog Information: Fun Facts About Dogs

Here are some interesting and enjoyable facts about dogs. You will surely find many things that you may not know about man’s best friend. It is not true that dogs are color blind. They can see the colors, although not as vivid compared to humans. The only sweat glands in dogs are found between the pads of their paws. Like […]

How to interview a real estate broker

As a real estate consultant, I often answer all kinds of questions for agents about how they can become the best and what kinds of business practices will help improve their business. Recently, I have received many questions from agents about which real estate brokerage is right for them. Here are some of my suggestions for the best ways you […]

Florida tourist attractions

Art Deco Historic District, South Beach, Miami The heart of South Beach is its Art Deco Historic District, from 18th St. and south along Ocean Dr and Collins Ave, one of the largest areas in the US on the National Register of Historic Places. In fact, the rejuvenation and rebirth of the District as a major tourist destination are a […]

How green is your ink?

E-cycle … recycle … return … remanufacture … reuse … recharge Are you getting confused? This is not a new thesaurus that I am trying to compile. This is just a list of words that are often heard when we talk about ink cartridges. So many “re” make you “rethink” the environmental friendliness of the ink cartridge you use. Does […]