How can a business use content marketing?

Most of the time, the goal of content is to spread brand awareness. However, when it comes to real-time marketing, the purpose of content is to foster customer loyalty by engaging in ongoing dialogue. Today this can be done quite easily with the advent of online communication, with social media being one of the main real-time-centric technologies available for use […]

Coping with ADHD problems

Lilli never stood still as a child. She was full of life and excited about everything around her. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. She was my first baby, so I never thought about how a “normal” 5-year-old should act. He had been very lucky to be home with her since she was born and he had never thought […]

It is not false

It has been my life since I was born. It’s in my blood and I refuse to let it go. It’s something I can’t live without, and if I lost it, all hell would break loose. I didn’t hold onto my toys or cheer on my hometown sports team. I turned on my TV and watched all these super athletes […]